Was Jesus Married?
Feedback: Was Jesus Married? A Response to the Claim Made in a Supposed Fourth-century Papyrus Fragment by Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S. September 21, 2012 Introduction Earlier this week, headlines announced that a new discovery shows Jesus was married, and we have received inquiries regarding this subject. These bold claims are based on the discovery of a papyrus fragment written in an ancient Egyptian language known as Coptic. 1 Is there any basis for such a claim, and would it even matter if Jesus was married? Dr. Karen King holds the fragment, showing its small size. Without more of the context from the original document, it is highly unlikely that one can properly understand the initial message. 2 Dr. Karen L. King, a historian from Harvard Divinity School and member of the Jesus Seminar, 3 recently had the opportunity to examine the smaller-than-business-card-sized fragment when an unnamed private collector asked her to study it to determine its auth...